Chickadee in our Tree



This little guy was checking out the new foliage growing on the tree…P5112187

I love the wisps of green in these pictures…P5112183 P5112186

Linking with friends at:

Wild Bird WednesdayThe BIRD D’pot

Nature NotesNatureFootstep

15 comments on “Chickadee in our Tree

  1. Mick says:

    Great photos of a beautiful little bird.

  2. Arija says:

    I adore chickadees and these are so pretty with the delicate growths.

  3. Hootin' Anni says:

    Pretty!!! I love the ‘faded’ background with the chickadee sitting so proud on the branch. Perfect composition…and great bird.

  4. Stewart M says:

    I think that the people of the USA may not be the only ones pleased to see the spring!

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW

    Stewart M – Melbourne

  5. PS…I’m back in my I’d Rather B Birdin’ blog admin and wanted to thank you for linking up this week. As I stated above [Hootin’ Anni]———loved your images!

  6. beautiful light in these images!

  7. Chickadees are one of my absolutely favorite birds (I don’t see them much here in Florida, but when we lived in Oregon we had tons of them.) Your lilacs are making me envious and homesick. (NOne of them here either.)

  8. Pat says:

    Beautiful photos of this sweet little bird.

  9. How sweet…. I love the friendly little dees… Michelle

  10. MaryBeth says:

    I really like the happy snappy chickadees. chick-a-dee-dee-dee! I hear them now. MB

  11. Teresa says:

    Beautiful captures of spring. I love the way your edits have turned these into true works of art.

  12. Gunilla says:

    Cute little chickadee.

  13. Neil says:

    Beautiful little bird.

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